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Therapist Terms & Conditions

Please note that the Therapist Terms and Conditions was last revised on Dec 10, 2023

1. General

Review this agreement thoroughly. By applying to become a Therapist, you accept these terms. If you disagree, do not register or use the Platform. AltMind can change these terms at its discretion. Check regularly for updates; your continued use implies acceptance.


Note: Therapists working on our platform are considered independent contractors.

2. Services

AltMind operates an online platform for therapy, consulting, and advice (Provider Services). The Provider Services consist of, but not limited to, website, mobile apps, VR apps that can be accessed by anyone ( the "User" or "Users"). Therapists, as independent contractors, offer virtual brief therapy on an as-needed basis, with no minimum commitment.


The parties acknowledge and agree that the Company has no obligation to make any minimum commitment of work, time, or compensation to the Contractor. The Contractor will provide service only on an as-needed basis as determined by the availability of Users.


Services are remote unless specified otherwise.
The Company and Contractor have an independent contractor relationship.

3. Terms and Conditions

A Contractor is any licensed counselor, therapist, practitioner, professional, expert, or coach who registers to offer services through the Platform to Users.


Contractors, offering various services on the Platform, agree to the terms. Accessing or using the Platform means accepting these terms. The Privacy Policy is part of this agreement.


Contractors agree to not reproduce, modify, or falsely represent themselves. The Company can modify the Platform and cease referrals at its discretion.


a. Disclaimers, Limitations, and Liabilities

The Platform is provided "as is" without warranties. The Contractor bears risks associated with material uploads and service provision. The Company is not liable for indirect damages or User claims. The Contractor is responsible for agreements with Users and indemnifies the Company.


The Contractor indemnifies the Company for taxes, liabilities, and employment-related claims. The Company's aggregate liability is limited to fees paid in the last 3 months. The Company disclaims liability for User claims, and the Contractor agrees to indemnify the Company.


Disclaimers and limitations survive termination. The Company may deduct indemnities from Contractor payments, per local law.


b. Code of Conduct

When using the Platform for Provider Services, the Contractor must maintain a reasonable standard of care, including confidentiality, equivalent to in-person interactions. For instance, sessions should not occur in inappropriate settings or in the presence of others.


The Contractor must not discuss session details, including payment terms, without Company approval.

Only Provider Services can be offered to Users, complying with legal and ethical standards in the Contractor's jurisdiction. If the Contractor opts-in for specific populations, they must possess the necessary skills and expertise.


The Contractor must not diagnose, treat, or advise in ways requiring in-person interaction.


In emergencies, the Contractor must instruct Users to call emergency services.


Medical practices, including diagnosing and prescribing, are prohibited on the Platform.


The Contractor should only use the Platform for Provider Services and related tasks, refraining from illegal or unethical activities.


The Contractor should not solicit therapy clients outside the Platform without clinical necessity.


Using the Platform for unauthorized activities may result in termination.


The Contractor must not charge additional fees or collect payment information directly from Users.


External assessments outside the Platform are not required for services and are at Users' discretion.


The Contractor may charge fees for case management with Users' consent.


The Contractor indemnifies the Company for losses arising from breaches or services provided to third parties.


The Contractor agrees to comply with all applicable laws and ethical codes.


Unethical conduct, misrepresentations, or subversion of compensation practices are prohibited.


The Contractor may undergo credentialing, licensure verification, and professional monitoring by the Company.


As an independent contractor, the Contractor is not entitled to workers' compensation or unemployment benefits from the Company.


The Contractor must comply with tax laws and accept exclusive liability for related obligations.


Confidentiality of Company clients and members must be maintained, and the Contractor shall not solicit them after termination.


Insurance coverage for injury or claims arising from Provider Services must be maintained.


If treating a minor, the Contractor must comply with applicable consent and confidentiality requirements.


The Contractor acknowledges and agrees to abide by the confidentiality and consent requirements when treating minors on the Platform.


c. Account Responsibilities

The Contractor is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their account information. They must promptly notify the Company of any unauthorized use or security concerns.


The Company is not liable for losses due to unauthorized account use, and the Contractor is fully responsible for all activities under their account.


The Contractor agrees not to use another person's account and asserts that their use of the Platform is personal.


The Contractor must not interfere with the Company's systems or use the Platform for malicious activities, including unsolicited emails, unlawful content, or any violation of applicable laws.


If the Contractor receives files, they must scan for viruses before use.


The Contractor will indemnify the Company for claims arising from their access or use of the Platform, actions under their account, violations of this Agreement, non-payment for services, or infringement of third-party rights. This indemnification clause survives agreement termination.


d. Platform Modification and Reliability

The Company may modify, suspend, or discontinue the Contractor's Platform access at any time, with or without notice. The Contractor acknowledges the Company's non-liability for such actions. The Company can terminate Contractor use of the Platform at its discretion.


While the Company strives for reliability, the Contractor understands that no platform is 100% reliable. The Company cannot guarantee uninterrupted, consistent, or error-free access to the Platform at all times.

4. Fees and Payment

The Company will compensate the Contractor according to the fees outlined in the Therapist Guide, subject to changes at the Company's discretion.


Full or partial payment of fees does not prejudice any claims or rights the Company may have against the Contractor related to Provider Services.


All overhead and out-of-pocket expenses are the Contractor's responsibility. This includes providing necessary equipment and supplies for the Services.


The Contractor is not treated as a Company employee for tax purposes. The Company does not withhold taxes or provide benefits, and the Contractor is responsible for payments and indemnification for any related costs. If applicable, the Company issues 1099 tax forms.


The Contractor is not entitled to traditional employment benefits but may receive other incentives or stipends at the Company's discretion. The Contractor waives the right to traditional benefits to the extent permitted by law.

5. Contractor's Legal Responsibilities

The Contractor affirms they are at least 18 years old and can enter contracts independently.


The Contractor commits to providing Provider Services diligently, personally performing them without substitution. They must maintain freedom from obligations conflicting with this agreement.


All information provided on the Platform must be accurate and regularly updated. The Contractor will not mislead Users about their expertise or create misleading profiles.


The Contractor agrees not to offer services outside their licensed expertise or where unauthorized. They must abide by all relevant laws and ethical standards.


The Contractor pledges to accurately represent their skills, qualifications, and background at all times to the Company and Users.


The Contractor, licensed to provide Provider Services, affirms their expertise and independence. They acknowledge not receiving training from the Company and maintain the right to offer similar services elsewhere.

The business relationship is temporary, and the Contractor is treated as an independent contractor. They are solely responsible for taxes and not considered an employee.


The Contractor has the authority to decide on accepting opportunities, frequency, duration, and manner of service provision. The Company does not dictate specific performance times.


The Contractor is responsible for legal compliance, tools, and equipment needed for service provision. They must promptly inform the Company of any licensing changes, investigations, malpractice actions, or felony convictions.


This agreement does not restrict the Contractor's ability to provide therapy services to the public.


a. Compliance with Laws

In providing services, the Contractor commits to complying with all applicable laws and regulations.


Regarding confidential information, the Contractor agrees not to disclose or use such information for any purpose other than the Company's benefit.

6. Arbitration Agreement

Any disputes between the parties will be subject to the Federal Arbitration Act (9 U.S.C. §§ 1 et seq.). This includes claims related to contracts, the termination of contracts, the classification of the Contractor as an independent contractor, and other matters specified in this agreement. The agreement covers various disputes, including those related to employment, discrimination, and regulatory acts.


The resolution of disputes will be handled through final and binding arbitration. The arbitration process is governed by specific terms and procedures, including the selection of an arbitrator, location, and cost distribution. The arbitrator may issue orders for discovery, and the decision or award will be in writing, with remedies consistent with applicable law.


The agreement also provides a right to opt-out of arbitration within 30 days and addresses injunctive relief for breaches.

7. Miscellaneous

Advertising: Contractor's information may be shared for promotional purposes, including third-party directories. Contractor can opt-out by contacting AltMind.


Identity Verification: AltMind may use a third party vendor for identity verification. Information is used for verification, not stored, and deleted after completion.


Quality Assurance Reviews: With user consent, limited professionals can review Contractor's correspondence for platform administration, profile accuracy, and monitoring purposes. The Company can remove inappropriate content at its discretion.


Changes to Agreement: The Company may modify the agreement by posting updates on the Platform. Contractors are advised to check frequently. Continued use implies agreement with modifications. AltMind supports a smooth transition for Contractors opting out.


Governing Law: This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Delaware.

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